In 2021 we launched our new mentoring programme...not because we know better but because we believe in leaning on each other. Each of our 27 mentees were selected from an application process and matched with a carefully chosen mentor from The PappyShow to work with over the next 5 months.
This free scheme is all about creating connections, sharing knowledge and helping mentees develop skills to work towards their future goals and milestones, as well as extending our strong and supportive PappyShow community.
We hope to be able to offer this programme again in the future so please check back here to find out how to get involved!

As this year’s scheme comes to a close, we wanted to shine a light on our wonderful Mentees. We asked each Mentor to write a few words on their Mentee, celebrating who they are and the time they got to spend together. Check out the gallery below to read about our 2021 Alumni.